Planning and Land Use
Testimony on the Land Use Panel Before the 2018 New York City Charter Commission (June 2018): We provided expert testimony about the need for charter reform to improve the City’s Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP). Among other recommendations, we urged the Commission to support community-based planning and early disclosure of plans and potential alternatives, and to make all development on NYCHA property subject to the ULURP process.
Testimony Before the City Planning Commission on Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (December 2015)
Testimony Before the City Planning Commission on Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (December 2015)
Testimony on the Draft PHA Plan for Fiscal Year 2019 (May 2018): Our testimony highlighted the many problems with NYCHA administration of the program, including its exclusion of residents’ input into decision making about the proportions of affordable vs. market rate development on NYCHA properties. TakeRoot also pointed out NYCHA’s failure to set a floor price on 99 year leases to developers that would ensure a return sufficient to meet the capital needs at the proposed development sites, as well as its silence on whether developers will be required to make future contributions towards meeting NYCHA’s capital needs. TakeRoot made multiple recommendations to the agency on how to make sure residents have a voice and power in the NextGen process, and to ensure that the funding it is claimed these developments will bring actually go towards NYCHA campuses where private housing is built. You can watch the hearing here.
Neighborhood Rezonings
Testimony on the Jerome Avenue Rezoning Before the City Council (February 2018)
Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Jerome Avenue Rezoning (December 2017): We worked with the Bronx Coalition for a Community Vision and a team of technical assistance providers to craft comments in response to the DEIS for the proposed rezoning, urging the City to conduct a more meaningful analysis of displacement, protect the local auto industry, and reduce the scale of the proposed rezoning.
Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Jerome Avenue Rezoning (December 2017): We worked with the Bronx Coalition for a Community Vision and a team of technical assistance providers to craft comments in response to the DEIS for the proposed rezoning, urging the City to conduct a more meaningful analysis of displacement, protect the local auto industry, and reduce the scale of the proposed rezoning.
Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed East New York Rezoning (December 2015): We worked with the Coalition for Community Advancement to draft extensive comments in response to the DEIS for the proposed rezoning. The comments focused especially on the mismatch between the affordability levels of the proposed Mandatory Inclusionary Housing units and the incomes of local community members, and the lack of displacement protections for residents of small homes.
Testimony on the Proposed East New York Rezoning to New York City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises (March 2016): We testified in support of the Coalition to highlight the lack of affordable housing protections in the City’s proposed East New York rezoning plan and urge the City to make a plan that meets the housing needs of the neighborhood’s current residents.
Testimony on the Proposed East New York Rezoning to City Planning Commission (January 2016): In support of the Coalition, TakeRoot argued that the proposed rezoning would increase the risk of displacement from the community and argued for the adoption of a zoning text provision to deter tenant harassment.
Testimony on the Proposed East New York Rezoning to New York City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises (March 2016): We testified in support of the Coalition to highlight the lack of affordable housing protections in the City’s proposed East New York rezoning plan and urge the City to make a plan that meets the housing needs of the neighborhood’s current residents.
Testimony on the Proposed East New York Rezoning to City Planning Commission (January 2016): In support of the Coalition, TakeRoot argued that the proposed rezoning would increase the risk of displacement from the community and argued for the adoption of a zoning text provision to deter tenant harassment.